Monday, July 21, 2008


In his wisdom, or more likely since he could not finish well his work in seven days only, God created idiots and distributed them all around the world without giving any preferential treatment to any country. All got many. Here is the beginning of a listing of the most significant representatives of such a class:


The French Ambassador had to quite after five months of boycott by the Malagashi president. His fault ? Being in Congo when the former president was assassinated and in Ivory Coast when there was a coup d’état. The Malagashi president is very superstitious and was afraid the “evil eye” of the Ambassador could impact his presidency. We are in 2008, the EU and other rich countries finance Madagascar and……this is the result.
(source: Le Monde, 16 July 2008, France Info)


The Italian Northern League in Bergamo, well known for its leader Umberto Bossi and for its reactionary positions, wants to forbid the opening in the city of a kebab shop since it is “inconsistent with the socio-economic structure of the city”. Similar measures are being requested for “fast-food, pizzas sold by the slice, Chinese restaurants and sex shops. (No sex, we are from the Northern League....) But this is good. Let them continue digging their own grave.

(source: La Repubblica 19 July 2008; picture :

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