Friday, November 7, 2008

"fuck off, asshole"

An activist, jobless, had a poster with that presidential say written on it. This is how President Sarkozy addressed a guy who refused to shake hand with him at the Paris agricultural fair ("casse-toi pauvre con").

The guy did not sue Sarko for his insults.

A few months later, a trade-unionist, jobless, had a poster with such Presidential sentence written on it. He showed it last August during a Presidential visit in Northern France.

The Public prosecutor, who in France reports to the Ministry of Justice, took the poor guy to court. The court "condemned him yesterday” at 30€ ( 38$) with probe for "offending the head of State". Sarko is probably unhappy about such leniency.

It also shows that under Sarko's regime, the "égalité" does not apply any longer to all citizen: Sarko can say it to a simple citizen but a citizen cannot say it to Sarko. All assholes are equal but some are more equal than others.

An advice to sarko: next time, sue the guy who quotes you for infringing intellectual property. You may get the guy condemned to a bigger fine, may-be even imprisonement, than for just insulting you with your own words. Too many people share the guy's point of view about you.....

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