Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Un-reality show : Berlusconi

Berlusconi’s TVs are leader in reality shows, those broadcasts for illiterate voyeurs that prevail in Italy (together with the lowest educational levels in Europe !).

But they are so used to fake the reality that do not hesitate to fake it also when their Boss is to be shown. If Berlusconi’s press did it (see a prior article in this blog on Panorama, the leading magazine of B. who added fake hair in a cover page before he had the transplant),why not his TVs ?

So, Berlusconi last Sunday gave an interview to CNN. This was broadcast in Italy by one of his local TVs and the spot was then broadcast again by two State TVs. It did show Berlusconi with a symbol of his party in the background (vote Berlusconi it says…).

Only later it was discovered that the party symbol had been added by his TV channel, as it was not present in the original spot broadcast by CNN.

A miracle possibly but also something that makes us think at the sad precedents of dictators, Stalin to start with.

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