Tuesday, October 13, 2009


At the recent G20 meeting in the USA, the “ladies” (the wives of the participants plus Ms. Merkel) visited tha Andy Wharol Museum in Pittsburg.

Some walls were hidden by curtains made for the visit: the gentle ladies whose husbands deal daily with crime, wars, dead soldiers, poor people, had to be protected from the view of …nudes. It may be art, it may be a museum, but ladies should not see that. One wonders whether they would have done the same for their husbands ! and what Berlusconi would have said, poor guy.

No much progress from the late nineteen century when the attributes of the Donatello’s David were hidden with a marble fig tree leaf not to touch the sensitivity of Queen Victoria visiting Florence.

Picture: http://www.protezionecivile.it/gallery/images/copy_0_11_mg_4669.jpg

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