Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Obama’s betrayal of Palestinians

One year ago, Obama taking power, had stated in no uncertain terms that the sine qua non condition for a successful peace process in the Middle East, was the total freeze of any Israeli colonization in the occupied territories and in Jerusalem.

As reported by Le Monde, on 27 May 2009 Ms Clinton stated “The President has been very clear with Mr. Netanayahou:he wants that colonization be stopped. No a few colonies, no wild colonies, no demographic exception”

However last week, during an official visit to the Middle East, Ms Clinton stated that “the freeze of colonization had never been a condition for the resumption of the peace negotiations”. Now she talks about limitation of colonization as a major step towards peace.

And the Israeli vice foreign minister to say : “we now have the evidence that the USA are our the best friends”

Nothing surprising in the US position if one looks at Ms Clinton: pro-Palestinians as President’s wife, pro Israeli as soon as she decided to run for a senate seat in NY, just to get the Jews votes.

And possibly, this dramatic switch in position of Obama’s administration, is to be seen in light of the elections taking place today: keep the votes of the Jews.

What is dramatic and scandalous is that a handful of Americans Jews keep million of poor Palestinians hostage, support that their land be stolen, close their eyes to the stealing of water by Israel, finance the buying of arms to kill innocent children and women. Of course, they live in the US and it is sufficient for them to blackmail politicians to deny Palestinians their fundamental Human Rights.

Obama is wrong and has been ill advised, he chose the war instead of peace.

Picture: bejata.com

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