Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mr. B. or Mr. ....

Elsa Morante, an Italian writer ( ) wrote:

“ During his career, the Head of the Government committed repeatedly crimes that, in front of a honest population, would have warranted condemnation, shame and the withdrawal of any government mandate. Why the people accepted and even applauded such crimes ?
Some for lack of moral sensitivity, some for ruse, some for personal interest and benefit.
The majority did of course recognize his criminal activities, but preferred to vote for the one who had the power than for the one who was a just man.
Regrettably, the Italians, if they have to choose between duty and personal interest, and although they know what their duty should be, always chose their personal interest.
So, a mediocre man, coarse, with a vulgar but effective language, is a perfect example of his countrymen.
If he were in a country of honest people, he could just be the leader of a party with limited audience, a person a bit ridiculous for his manners, his attitude, his delusions of grandeur, offensive to the common sense of people because of his emphatic and immodest style.
In Italy, he became the Head of the Government. And it is difficult to find a better sample of an Italian man.
Admirer of strong power, mercenary, corrupt, catholic without faith in God, presumptuous, vain, falsely good-humoured, good father but with many lovers, he uses those he despises, he surrounds himself of dishonest people, of liars, of chancers ; skilful mime, so good to be able to impress a vulgar audience, but, like any mime, without his own character, he always believes that he is the person he wants to perform”

Do you think of Berlusconi’s portrait ? but how could it be: Elsa Morante died in 1985 and Berlusconi entered politics in 1995 ! In fact, Elas Morante wrote this in 1945 talking about Mussolini….
(written on 1 May 1945, titled “the Head of the Government”. Published posthumously on February 1988 in “Paragone letteratura”)


1 comment:

marianna 212 said...

E' semplicemente vergognoso che la memoria storica in noi italiani sia così labile :Per fortuna qualcuno ci fa ancora riflettere