Saturday, February 27, 2010

A newspapers' invention: the crisis

Towards the end of 2008, I reported the statements of Berlusconi: “the crisis is over, it was just a newspapers’ invention, we are better than before”.

One year later, Italy has 700,000 more jobless people, the unemployment rate (including those who receive “cassa integrazione”, a sort of compensation for closed companies) is above 10%, the Italian debt is over 120% of the GDP, both the industrialists and the trade unions state that the worse is still to come, all projections show Italy’s growth in 2010 much below the European average.

But all this is invented by newspapers and the ineffable Minister of Economy, Tremonti (the one who was proclaiming that is we had a one € bill instead of coins, inflation would be reduced) will maintain that the economists do not understand anything and should shut up (sic).

If Berlusconi did manage his companies as he does with Italy, he would no longer be the richest man in the country !

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