Friday, February 11, 2011

If not now, when?

The appeal for the demonstrations in Italy against Berlusconi on 13 February 2011

The great majority of women In Italy is working both inside and outside home, they produce wealth, they look for a job ( one out of two succeeds), they study and make sacrifices to assert themselves in the chosen profession, they take care of their relations and look after children, husbands and aged parents.

Quite a few are engaged in public issues, in parties, in trade unions, in enterprises, in organisations and in voluntary services with the aim that the society they are living in might become richer, more civilized and welcoming. They have consideration and respect for themselves and for liberty and dignity achieved by the women who built our democratic nation, worth to be mentioned on occasion of the 150 th Celebration of Italian Unity.

This rich and important life experience is being deleted by the image of women constantly and indecently represented as bare objects of sexual exchange, in newspapers, advertisements and television programs. This in no longer bearable.

A wide-spread attitude offers to young people the idea of reaching glamorous goals and easy money by giving up their beauty and intelligence to the one in power , who is willing to pay back with public funds and positions.

This way of thinking and the consequent behaviours are polluting social life and the models of civil ethic and religious awareness. Inadvertently we crossed the bounds of decency.

The model of man-woman relation exhibited by one of the highest State Authorities deeply affects our lifestyles and culture justifying detrimental behaviour to women’s dignity and to the institutions.

Those who want to keep silence, support, justify and reduce the ongoing events to private matters, should take responsibility also in front of the international community.

We are asking all women, without any distinction, to protect the value of our dignity and we are telling to men: If not now, when? It’s time to proof friendship to women.

(website : )

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