Friday, April 1, 2011


As of this moment, it appears that 20 UN staff, doing humanitarian work for the Afghan population, were killed by a crowd of angry Muslims.
It is not the first time, not will it be the last. But this time I am particularly touched, offended, and mad.
Apparently this mass killing by Muslim bigots was prompted by a so-called Christian bigot, a church man, Pastor Wayne Sapp, who recently burned a Koran.
Idiots are equally distributed around the world but it is time to stop all this. We need to stop all bigots, were they be Christian (so called), Muslims, Indus, Jews.
Western countries are guilty of continuing doing business with countries that allow such things to happen. They have to boycott them even if this means hardship for the population. Western countries have to stop appointing useless UN Secretary Generals who are unable to impose respect for UN staff. UN staff have to refuse going to certain countries for useless missions and without protection.
These 20 (or more) UN staff are the straw that kills the camel. Never again we shall allow this to happen.
But as of now the so called Reverend Wayne Sapp should be prosecuted as the instigator of such crime. And we shall fight bigots all over. Not forgetting that Catholic bigotry exterminated hundred of thousand of Christians and Muslims and indigenous people during colonization, nor that Jewish bigotry continues to kill hundreds of Palestinians, nor that Muslim bigotry oppresses millions of people around the world.
I mourn the victim of this last UN staff massacre and I feel close to the victims families. I pray that the useless Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon be kicked out before the end of his term. I lost any hope that the Security Council Member States will ever bring the UN back to its real mandate too busy with their useless games. Let us close the UN, we will save lives of innocent and valuable persons and stop the window dressing of hypocritical countries.
UN staff are now the ideal target: kill one and people will talk of you, kill many and the world will talk about you.

Time is over, no more UN staff shall be killed by bigots or war lords.

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