Monday, December 26, 2011


how could you define otherwise the sometimes ridiculous ways his regime is using to prevent people to attend rallies against the power in place?

Extraordinary Math exams, compulsory of course, were organized on 24 December, in the afternoon to prevent the high school students to attend the protest mass rallies scheduled for that afternoon.
The same had been done on the occasion of the prior opposition mass rallies.

Even more idiotic, the Head of Public Health, a certain Guennadi Onitchenko, advised the Russians that attending mass rallies increases the risks of getting viral infections of even respiratory diseases…..
Putin’s spokesperson can well state that he still has the majority of the population supporting him. And Medvedev can state that they will make reforms. Where have they been all these years Putin and Medvedev? It sounds like Mubarak and Ben Ali just before their fall. The end is in view, may-be not as soon as March but soon.

The problem is that nobody can foresee what will happen then. A new October Revolution in view, but just as a reaction without any ideology. Except that of making a lot of money fast….

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