Friday, August 15, 2008

Verona Caput Fasci

Verona, the capital of fascism” is the title of a show written and acted by Elio Germano, a young successful Italian actor.

Why Verona ? Because Verona is “the” special town in Italy, the most representative of the Berlusconi’s regime, where the Lega Nord and Alleanza Nazionale (the fascist party) have the power. Daily one reads about racist and fascists type decisions be the municipality.And this has been going on for years. As an example, in 1995, case unique in Europe, the City Council voted a resolution against a decision by the Council of Europe on homosexuality declaring it as “against nature” (sic). Verona is also the city where recently fascist militants killed a youg man who had refused them a cigarette and was guilty of having long hair.

So what Germano did was to read the minutes of meetings of the City Council over the past 10 years. He extracted statements made by the center right majority and put them together verbatim. Here are some excerpts from the show, all real statements made by the Verona’s city governance:

About gays : “they must ler surgeons deal with their attributes so that everybody will be safer”

About abortion : “they had to think at it when they opened their legs”

About women’s equality : “women must go back to their nature, which is that of all animals”

About gays: “we should cut them the balls”

About homosexuality: “ it is the same as pedophilia”

No wonder that Famiglia Cristiana, the most read Italian Magazine is concerned about the rise of fascism in Italy.

Source:, 15/8/08


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