Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama 1: let's get real

(this is the first of a series of articles I will devote to Obama’s election)

So Obama is President since two days.

He decided to close Guantanamo.
He decided to stop torture.
He decided to respect the Geneva Convention.
He called the President of the Palestinian authority before calling Olmert
He is concerned about peace in the Middle East.

And everybody is excited.

But why ? What did he do special ? Isn’t it normal what he did ?

He simply decided to respect the American Constitution and the International law.
He simply decided that it was time for America to be a “normal civilized state” as it used to make people believe it was..

So why are all people excited ? Simply because we got so used to crooks, idiots, dishonest politicians such as GW, Berlusconi, Sarkozy and even Blair.

I welcome the initiatives of Obama. But this does not mean that he is special. He is simply normal. And we, over the last years, we had lost the concept of normality.

Good start Obama, but it is not enough. Let us wait and see the next steps


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