Wednesday, March 10, 2010


(5 March 2010 - mourning democracy in Italy)

Have you ever had to meet deadlines?

To apply for a job, to pay a fine, to appeal a decision, to file taxes, to reimburse your loan, to vote?

Have you ever been fined for not observing time limits? Or have your requests ever been rejected for the same reason?

Companies are declared bankrupt when the fail to reimburse their loans. Not to talk about the hundred of thousand of US families who were evicted for the same reason.

Our life, since birth, is governed by deadlines, starting from the time limit to declare a new-born baby to the authorities.

And the majority of us have missed some deadlines and paid for it, in many ways.

The same applies for elections for public office. Electoral codes are very strict due to the strategic importance of elections. Even in Italy.

But not for MUGABERLU *

His party failed to submit on time the application for the next regional elections in Latium.

The list was rejected by the judges in charge of the procedures.

His party appealed.

The appeal was rejected.

MUGABERLU’s government issued an “interpretation” decree, with retroactive value in its views, to explain what the law really means (and not what everybody had thought and applied for more than 60 years!)

But such a decree is unconstitutional as, in Italy, Regions have the right to issue their own electoral codes for regional elections. In that case, the central government cannot overrule the regions (unless the regional law is not unconstitutional itself, which was not the case here).

The judges declared, surprise surprise that the decree could not apply to Latium.

MUGABERLU’s party filed again its request to be allowed to participate in the elections, thanks to the same decree. Other judges rejected the request.

And now MUGABERLU declares that his party suffered a violent injustice by the judges who applied the law and calls his supporters for a massive street demonstration. Sad memories of the twenties when Mussolini took the power with the support of part of the population.

Personal laws, as the 20 already approved in the interest of Berlusconi, are an abuse. Calling for popular demonstrations against one of fundamental component of the democratic state is subversion. Such a call by a Prime Minister is a coup d’état.

Italy is at the edge of totalitarism. When will the EU countries, the US react? When it will be too late, as usual? As when Mussolini and Hitler took the power? Democracy in Italy is in danger. Violence may erupt. The Italian democratic allies will be responsible if this happens.


Image :!/group.php?gid=358735789264&ref=mf


lorenza39 said...

Cerro essere italiani e voler continuare ad esserlo non è nè facile nè allegro. Ni sta bene cercare di sollevare le coscienze, non siamo tutti conigli e sottomessi ma " CHE FARE" DI LOGICO e PRATICO SENZA ESSERE TACCIATI DI TERRORISMO ?? TEMPI ANDATI QUALCUNO AVEVA ANCHE SCRITTO QUALCOSA AL RIGUARDO...

Daniele Faravelli said...

Buffo che tu parli di terrorismo: mi sa che rinascerà, disgraziatamente, a causa della disperazione. E questo farà ancor più il gioco di MUGABERLU appoggiato dalla Lega. Che fare ? non so. Ma resistere bisogna.