Sunday, November 27, 2011

Beware: communists

Berlusconi was forced to resign. Because of the economic situation of Italy after 17 years of his regime, because of the scandals that forced the Italian Bishops to finally dump him, because of the negative impact his staying in power was having on his financial and industrial empire (the stock plunged from 6.4€ on March 2010 to 1.9 in November 2011...*), because the rats were leaving the sinking ship.

So a liberal, Mr. Monti, a technician. dean of the best Italian Business School (private...) succeeded him and surrounded himself of competent people instead of useless politicians: university professors, an army general, a ministry of interior high level official, the president of the largest Italian bank...

But today, like a broken record, Berlusconi came back and made his first speech announcing that he will continue his fight against ... communism "the most inhuman and criminal tragedy of human history". Will he finally fight against his friend Putin ?

* Berlusconi fiercely denies it but even his best ally, Bossi, says so....


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