Monday, December 5, 2011

Idiots XIX : There are Jews and Jews

Danger: foreigners.

Many societies try to prevent their members to marry with foreigners. So do the religions. It was (and possibly still is) with the Catholic Church where you needed a permission even to marry an Anglican and the permission was granted upon conditions. It still is in Muslim countries, for women mostly...It was and still is in Japan where even Japanese born abroad are considered half Japanese and looked at with suspicion. Then there is the day to day racism against whites who have children with blacks (you do not have the same in the case of Asians...). And so on and so forth.

But it is even worse for Jews, according to the recent ads campaign launched by the Israeli authorities towards American Jews. To be a good Jew, you must live in Israel.

"Under the slogan "It's time to return to Israel", the campaign suggested that expatriate Israelis and their children were at risk of losing touch with their Jewish roots and of being assimilated into US society and culture."(The Guardian).

"A billboard advertisement displayed in New York, Los Angeles and Palo Alto featured a boy calling his father "Daddy" instead of "Abba", the Hebrew word for father. “Before 'Abba' becomes 'Daddy', it's time to return to Israel," the ads said." (The Guardian)

"The ad campaign depicted a young Israeli woman wincing after her boyfriend mistakes candles and music marking Yom Hazikaron, Israel's Memorial Day, for a romantic night in. The words "They will always remain Israelis. Their partners won't always understand what that means. Help them return to Israel" are read by a somber narrator and scrolled across the screen. “(The Telegraph)

In other words not all Jews are equal. This was known since the time many Orthodox opposed the immigration of the Ethiopian Falashas in the 70ies.

For a change, I agree with the Israeli government. I am in fact in full favor of such a campaign. Let all American Jews go to Israel. Their influence on the US politics will vanish and the world will be safer as US Presidents will be able to impose peace in the Middle East (and why not, to force Israel to abandon its nuclear proliferation policy. Why only Iran?)

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