Saturday, September 12, 2009


I am proud of being Italian because :

- we have a poor Prime Minister whose friends have to pay for his “escorts”;
- we have the best Prime Minister ever had in 150 year of history *;
- we have a Prime Minister who, thanks to the advice he gave Putin, avoided the explosion of a second cold war *;
- we have a Prime Minister who, although neither the Russians nor the Turks knew about it, was instrumental in the agreement for the construction of a major pipeline *;
- we have a Prime Minister who avoided the worsening of the financial crisis thanks to the fact that Obama followed his advice*;
- we have a Prime Minister whose government has been the best in the world in addressing the financial crisis*;
- we have a Prime Minister who knows how to recognize the real democrats, such as Putin, al Gaddafi and Ben Ali of Tunisia*;
- we have a Prime Minister who ensures that there is no confusion in the head of the Italians by having all his TVs and newspapers and the Sate owned TV broadcasting the same thing, his own views;
- we have a Prime Minister who reminded all Italians that fascism was good to the point of sending thousand of people on vacation by the sea (it was called internal exile for political reasons, at that time, thus the confusion !)*;
- we have a Prime Minister who was kind enough to send on vacation in hotels by the Adriatic sea thousand of people who had lost their homes in L’Aquila*;
- we have a Prime Minister whose lawyer, Ghedini, reassured the Italians that he doe not need special treatments before fucking the prostitutes his friends send him for free, contrary to he need he had for a hair transplant and he has for high heels to compensate for his low height;
- we have a Prime Minister who has a high esteem for the press and tells the journalists to shut up;
- we have a Prime Minister who is managing to lead Italy to isolation on the international scene through his attitudes, public private life and threats to block the EU if the spokesmen do not stop to talk about Italy criticizing its laws.

What else would I need to be happy ?

* Berlusconi’s own statements.

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