Monday, December 14, 2009

He got it

So someone did hurt Berlusconi.

It happened to many before, including Kennedy and Chirac, why not him ?

Fortunately the attacker was a man mentally ill since tens of years. Otherwise we would have another hero and definitely a very hard dictator. What a relief to hear about the mental status of the attacker. I was furious when I initially heard of the incident, exactly what one should not do now. But I already read in Le Monde on line that this attack, even if by a mentally ill, will increase his popularity…He could not have staged it better.

What happened however is all of Berlusconi’s doing. Certainly violence is to be condemned. But is violence only physical ?

What about Berlusconi’s repeated and ever more violent attacks against the Italian democratic system ?
and what about those against the Constitutional Court, a pillar of the Italian democratic system born after the fascist dark years ?
and what about those against the independence of the judicial system and of the judges ?

and what about those against the free press ? and the journalists ?

and what about the disregard of the democratic system blocking debates in Parliament to avoid being confronted by the opposition ?

and what about the disregard of the Parliament where he refuses to go since he took power ?

and what about the insults, repeated, continuous of the opposition ?

He has blocked Italy, the democratic debate, he is working at a “constitutional coup d’état” like a Banana Republic leader and million of people are dismayed since they do not know how to stop it.

Early this year, Berlusconi’s (second) wife asked for divorce stating that he is “sick”. Everybody thought of his sexual addictions (or inferiority complex ? ) but in fact he is mentally sick in toto. He makes statements on anything and he immediately denies them, in spite of recordings of what he said. He invites escorts at home and shows them videos of his “achievements”. He goes to summits and embarrasses world leaders with his jokes. At the last EU summit “he passed round his etchings of bloomers and thongs as the leaders discussed climate change .” *

And now, after the attack, he wonders “why so much hate ?”. Ms. Bindi, a moderate if one looks for such a thing, said “I am fully supportive of him but he has his own responsibilities”. She is right. But immediately Berlusconi’s friends started attacking her while she said only a platitude. He looked for it, he created the hate climate in Italy (just a few days ago the President had called to moderate the statements so that the political climate would cool down.

It is a pity he was hurt, but there is no doubt that he looked for it. He is the main and only responsible. And he is the main disgrace Italy has had since Mussolini.



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